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In Their Shoes

Building Healthy Relationships simulation

This scenario-based training helps participants talk about what dating is like for today’s teens—from their perspective.

Infographic Text: What Is In Their Shoes, image of two people holding In Their Shoes cards and discussing options

Who this program is for

Group event for youth 14 and up and their parents, or any interested adults and youth.


Simulation and group discussion


2 hours



Course Description

In this experience-based training, participants become one of six characters based on the lives of real teens, including sexting, pregnancy, homophobia, and stalking. They make choices about their relationship and move through the scenario by reading about interactions with their dating partner, family, friends, counselors, police, and others. The experience helps participants learn about types of abuse, understand the importance of advocacy, and collect information on local resources. 


In Their Shoes teaches concepts necessary to speak to someone impacted by intimate partner violence about their experience. The simulation will conclude with a group discussion to help participants better process what they learned, ask questions, and learn how to access community resources focused on intimate partner violence prevention and intervention. 


The course can be customized to fit your group’s needs and objectives.

Group sessions are available with a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 40 participants. For more information on hosting a group session, please compete the interest form below or contact

Contact us to learn more about scheduling your own In Their Shoes event

Claire’s Community is excited to partner with you in offering an In Their Shoes simulation for your group. Please tell us a bit about your group. We’ll be back in touch with you soon to talk about next steps.

Thanks for submitting!

What participants are saying about
In Their Shoes

In Their Shoes is a fantastic educational experience for anyone to gain that knowledge of what to look for in your own life and in the lives of those who matter most to you.

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