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Sitting on stairs Live Respect.png

Live Respect

This Scholastic evidence-based prevention program aims to organize and advance healthy manhood and prevent gender-based violence at their college or university and to become trainers working with you focusing on:

  • promoting healthy, respectful manhood

  • decreasing language and actions that degrade women, girls, and other marginalized groups

  • challenging harmful cultural and social norms

  • decreasing instances of bullying and homophobia

  • promoting healthy relationships

Who this program is for

Coaches, Educators, Mentors & Youth Advocates


This program invites men to come into it with curiosity and a desire to think critically. This program's lessons can be done over a semester, or you can select a few and take 45 minutes of basketball practice to discuss a specific topic.  It is up to you!  This updated program has three new lessons: race, power, privilege, and gender-related issues.


We recommend that people taking this program represent the makeup of the student population you seek to impact.  IF you do not represent the experiences or background of your students, then go to your community and partner with an individual or organization that does.  We also understand that you, your school, or your community might not feel ready to use this curriculum with the new lessons on race, power, and privilege.  We want to meet you where you are at in this process. It is okay to start with the lessons on gender first and build toward doing them all.  


Multiple 1 Hour Sessions over a period of time



Course Description

We welcome you to A Call to Men's updated Live Respect and Healthy Masculinity Curriculum: Life Skills and Well-Being for Boys and Young Men. The facilitator will use a curriculum-based approach that trains to provide you with the tools needed to develop strategies to create a culture that removes the rigid notions of masculinity - or, as we call it, the Man Box within their targeted community.


Lesson Plans include:

Lesson 1: The Man Box

Lesson 2: Society's Gender Norms

Lesson 3: Man Box Teachings

Lesson 4: The Media Connection

Lesson 5: Understanding Objectification

Lesson 6: Understanding Sexual Harassment

Lesson 7: Understanding Sexual Assult (for use with HS boys only)

Lesson 8: Interrupt the Cycle

Lesson 9: Healthy Masculinity, Healthy Relationships

Lesson 10: History and Race in the United States

Lesson 11: What's Up with Privilege

Lesson 12: Aspiring Allyship: What Does this All Mean for me?

Contact us to learn more about the Live Respect Program.

Thanks for submitting!

What participants are saying about Live Respect

Now if a boy says something demeaning to a girl, people will walk up to you and say, ‘Boys to men.’ It really influenced a lot.

— Chris, High School Football Player

“We will rise up as a community and say that violence against anyone is unacceptable.” 

Claire VanLandingham,

for whom Claire's Community is named

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